Visits to your baby’s pediatrician begin as soon as a few days after they are born. This type of visit is called a wellness check, and it is very important to a newborn baby. They will be growing and developing quickly, and these wellness checks are critical to ensuring your baby is growing normally and reaching developmental milestones.
As a parent, you will be at your pediatrician’s clinic often during your baby’s earliest years. According to the AAP Schedule of Well-Child Care Visits, the schedule is usually two to three days after coming home from the hospital, and the next one is scheduled when the baby turns a month old, two months old, four months old, and so on, and the frequency changes to every year when they turn three. Wellness checkups are also a time to discuss any concerns about your baby with their primary care doctor.
Here’s a top 10 list of things to do before your baby’s next wellness checkup to make it a success.
10 Things To Prepare For Your Baby’s Wellness Checkup
- Schedule your wellness check-up according to when your baby will be rested and well-fed. This is not always doable, but try whenever you can.
- If you are seeing a new pediatrician, bring along a copy of your baby’s immunization records, so the doctor can review them and update them according to the recommended schedule for babies/toddlers in your area.
- If you’re formula feeding, bring along a sample of what you’re using in case the doctor has any recommendations for switching brands or types – especially if your baby is having stomach issues because of it.
- Bring diapers, burp cloths, a prepared bottle, a pacifier, and an extra set of clothes in case they have an accident on the way to or during the appointment.
- Note any changes or concerns you have in areas such as sleeping and feeding, so you can discuss them with the doctor. Also, record your baby’s feeding and sleeping schedule, so the doctor can determine if anything needs changing.
- How much has your baby grown since the last visit? Are you worried that your baby is growing too slowly? This is a serious concern that should be brought to the attention of the pediatrician.
- Keep a close eye on milestones. Is your baby achieving milestones in physical skills, social skills, and sensory abilities or are you observing developmental delays? Don’t hesitate to ask the doctor about it during the visit. Early intervention is key.
- Make a list of questions you want to bring up with the doctor. This will help you remember everything during the appointment and ensure that all your questions are answered.
- Dress your baby in a way that will make the checkup run smoother. Clothing that is easy to take off and put back on is advisable.
- Make sure you have eaten well and are also rested for the visit. This may be hard to do but try to get in some zzz’s whenever you can, so you can be totally present and focused on what happens during the visit.
Baby Wellness Checkup in Spring and The Woodlands, TX
The pediatricians at Northwoods Pediatric Center, P.A. welcomes your baby for their wellness checkups. We maintain a hygienic, positive, and relaxing kid-friendly environment in our clinic. Our team is dedicated to your child’s health and development and will be with you every step of the way, providing guidance and support. To schedule an appointment with one of our pediatricians, call our pediatric office today at (281) 296-7770 or use our convenient online request form.